Chris F. Spurry graduated from The Mercersburg Academy in Mercersburg, PA and attended Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, Loyola College in Baltimore, MD and St. Joseph’s College in Philadelphia, PA. He established Spurry & Associates, Inc. in 1983 after a diverse seventeen year career in equipment sales, facilities design, and management, including six years experience as Sales Engineer and Regional Sales Manager for a $20 million division of a Fortune 500 industrial equipment manufacturer and nine years experience with a $30 million foodservice equipment dealer as Regional Sales Manager, Director of Project Development, Project Manager, and finally as Vice President of Sales & Marketing. After thirty two successful years, in September 2015, Spurry sold the business to long-term employee Jamie Curren, and continues to work with the new Curren Solutions team.
410-820-7100 (Office)
410-829-5462 (Cell)